Archive for August 31st, 2010

New York dog breeder arrested for animal cruelty

A dog-breeding couple in New York State faces animal cruelty charges after SPCA officers found six Doberman pinschers on the property “emaciated, flea infested and suffering from sores and eye infections” – according to a story posted the North Shore Sun website.

One of the dogs was in such bad shape, reportedly, it had to be carried out on a stretcher.

Now, if only the justice system in New York will take these charges seriously.

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Good News: More than 1,000 acres added to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge

I received a press release minutes ago from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, announcing 1,046 acres of land has been added to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Georgia.

So, as the release notes, “the largest National Wildlife Refuge in the eastern United States just got a little bigger.”

The new tract, purchased recently by The Nature Conservancy, adds to the 402,000 acres already protected as critical wildlife habitat. The Nature Conservancy will be planting trees on one area of 200 acres and it will be “managed for threatened and endangered species, such as the red cockaded woodpecker and Eastern indigo snake.”

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Packy Wacky Video: The all-new Apple Paw Pad

We don’t want Pack Mentality to be all bad news or gloom and doom … right? So I’ve decided to bring in a new regular feature – ‘The Packy Wacky Video of the Day.’

Want to end that bad behavior from your cat, where he or she is clawing up the arms of the sofa or engaging in other household destructive activities?

Try the new Apple Paw Pad. The high-tech baby sitter for your feline companion.