Archive for the ‘Animal Saves Human’ Category

Question: Who is more human(e) – a dog who saves a human or a human who abuses a dog?

The question relates to a story – the story of a pit bull who ended up in a California animal shelter after somehow surviving a stint in a dog-fighting ring.

Daddy’s story is recounted in an article posted Thursday on His body is scarred from his fighting days, but his soul is special and unscathed.

His rescuer, Angel Parisa, was walking the normally calm canine last week, when he began to pull her on a quick-step down a side street and up to women who was in distress from a heart condition. Parisa helped her get to her heart medication, which quite possibly saved her life.

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Hero Dog: Pit bull saves family from fire

Does anyone you know still need more proof that animals have self-awareness and that they are more than “just” animals?

If so, have them check out the following story out of Indiana. A pit bull awakened his family after their house caught on fire. Thor even pulled the baby’s bassinet to the front door, in an effort to try to save the smallest member of the family.

No one was injured, but the home was badly damaged, according to the report on

Pit bull saves guardian from health crisis

The Las Cruces Sun-News out of New Mexico ran a story June 5 about a pit bull who awakened his pet sitter one night during a health crisis where her blood sugar had dropped to a dangerously low level.

Sam, a 90-pound 8-year-old began nudging Marlene Ham in the middle of the night. When Ham woke up, she quickly realized her blood sugar was plunging. She managed to make to the kitchen in time to ingest cake and milk and moderate the blood-sugar count.

The fact that Sam is a pit bull is noteworthy. The fact that Sam actions more than likely were the result of sensing her health crisis is is even more noteworthy.

Today Show: 11 animals who saved people

The Today Show’s website feature’s a slide show telling the stories of 11 animals who saved humans from various situations from medical emergencies to drownings to fires.

Animals are truly amazing and certainly our companion animals can be more than merely companions.

Buddy – the Alaskan Hero Dog

A fire erupts in a workshop in a some-what-remote residential area in Alaska. A man is burned in the fire and his German Shepherd ventures out to seek help.

Fortunately, his neighbor called for help. But the State Troopers were having trouble finding the home, until they spotted Buddy at a snowy intersection and he began to lead the car to the fire.

Yes – it takes an ability to make decisions and it takes an understanding that someone needs help to do what Buddy did in this case. Animals are more than just instinct and fur, as some might want us all to believe.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Buddy – the Alaskan Hero Dog“, posted with vodpod

Pack of News: April 3 – retail dog sales ban, pit bull foils car-jacking, animal-cruelty conviction

I’ve got a trio of news stories to post tonight –  from the month of March.

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